Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Digital Journalism - Say What?

So another part of my requirements for this class was to go out and talk to people about how they gather their daily news and information.

Why you ask? Who cares you say? Well my professor does. As do a whole heck of a lot of other people who are trying their best to provide that information to 8 billion people when, how and where they want it each and everyday.

There are so many choices out there today it can be a bit maddening and yet also relieving at the same time.

How so? Well because - it's simple, but not easy.

I'll say it again.

It's simple, but not easy.

I love that saying!

You can apply it to so many things and it works every time!

I’ll get off track for a moment and give you 3 Examples:

Putting on shoes and socks. Simple in concept, not easy for anyone under the age of 8.

Changing a tire. Simple in concept, makes most women (and some men) curse, cry and throw things. You will get dirty, frusterated and be late no matter what you do. So therefore.... NOT EASY.

Providing all existing news, entertainment and general information to anyone in the world whenever, however and wherever they want it.
Hey - yeah - that sounds simple enough.
Ha! Kiss it! It ain’t easy.

So therefore, I would admit, it can be a relief that whenever you need information you know you can go find it. BUT it is absolutely maddening to try and be the ultimate provider of that information. And maybe even a little maddening for those who are receiving it too. Although they may not have enough self-awareness to realize that just yet! I mean anyone who gets pissed because the latest blog comments or video clip of “From G’s to Gents” has not uploaded to their IPHONE 30 seconds after the season 8 premier is over has got to be a little loose in the brain…..

Like it or not that mentality is a product of our own creation. So instead of complaining and criticizing, many have decided to man up and figure out exactly what you need as a consumer of information so that you can have it whenever, wherever and however you want it!

Hence – this is the long-winded version to the answer of the question at the beginning of this post.

Yes, It matters! And it matters because in order to intuit where the technology and the skills of those who gather and create products for the one’s who are taking in information need to be focused, you first have to know and understand those people’s current habits and their likes and dislikes of those habits.

Sounds simple, but it’s not easy.

Man – I love that – see – it worked again!

Ok – so why not start by using a bunch of “eager for an ‘A’” students to go out and begin canvassing as many people as they can on their media usage habits.

If it’s not going to be easy lets at least use free labor!

So here are some of my findings:

Respondent 1:
Age: 86
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Media Used: TV, Radio, Newspaper, Mail
Frequency: All daily for all news and info

Respondent 2:
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Media Used: TV, Radio, Internet, Mobile, Mail, Newspaper
Details of Media:
TV – Frequency: Daily. Format: on TV and on Computer and on Phone. Specific Locations: BBC, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, Weather Channel, CNN. (Not every channel every day– but 2-3) Time Spent: 1 hr per day Purpose: News/info/entertainment/product awareness.

Radio – Frequency: few times a month Format: In the Car “when I forget my Ipod in the car” Specific Location: FM99 Time spent: 1hr per month Purpose: Entertainment and traffic.

Internet – Frequency: Daily Format: on computer on phone Specific Locations: EVERYWHERE cnn, bbc, myspace, woot, facebook, yahoo, amazon, video game sites, newsgroups, and many others. Time Spent: 12 hrs Purpose: News/shopping/ entertainment/ work/ communication/ research/ education.

Mobile – Frequency: Daily Format: on Phone. Specific locations: n/a Time spent: 1hr per day Purpose: communication / shopping (receiving offers).

Mail – Frequency: weekly Format: in Mail Box Specific Locations: n/a Time Spent: 10 minutes per week. Purpose: communication, education, shopping

Newspaper – Frequency: Weekly. Format: In Print Specific Sections: inserts, cartoons, lifestyles. Time Spent: 1 hr per week. Purpose: shopping, education, entertainment.

I HAVE 3 more – but I will post them later!

-till then…. Mary

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