Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Project - Video The Vote!

Today, November 4th 2008, is an historic day no matter the outcome.

In order to ensure the moment is one of untarnished history and not questioned for its authenticity many organizations are out in full force all over the country working to protect the sancity of the vote and ensure every American has an equal opportunity to cast their ballot for their respective candidate.

Video the Vote is just one of the many organizations dedicated to working for this goal. According to their website they do this through a "national network of citizen journalists, independent filmmakers, and media professionals working together to document voter suppression and disenfranchisement".

As a member of a Digital Journalism class at Old Dominion University I chose to participate in Video the Vote for an election project. Our professor assigned this topic to us not only because I believe she feels passionately about protecting the vote and our political process as a whole, but also because she wanted to push us and our ability to think differently about the use of non-traditional types of media tools such as video and blogging.

It is important that we, as hopeful future members of the media, be able to utilize all types of media to report on an event and be able to tell a story. And not just be able to use them - but to also know how to converge them onto one platform - or to take the same information, event, topic and purpose it for different platforms such as print and online, using video, photos, words and sounds to tell a story in a way that was never possible before.

So often Blogs are personal and written in a casual and informal way. What many budding journalists need to learn and be aware of is the fact that the future of media is one that will require them to produce their content in a format that will be very similar to this social activity they know and love so much. That familiarity could potentially run the risk of their craft and their socializing tactics cross-pollinating one another. I guess what remains to be seen is weather or not that actually matters or if it is just the overall direction communications and media as a whole are going. Just as the market bears innovation and creates change based on society's wants and needs so will the course go for media and it's style, format and level of formality.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved your blog post!!! was quite entertaining. I found it most interesting how you got three different people with three different views. I assumed that the guy was your husband, but either way Hannah described that her mother and father voted differently in the election. I myself did not experience that with my family or friends because we all voted for Barak Obama and I it very interesting for me to watch. The fact that you captured all three people on video asking the same questions gave great insight into how they were all differently impacted. I think it was a terrific decision to do these visual videos along with the blog. I felt like I was there with yuo that day and it was enlightening for me to see into another houseold on the day of the election.