Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Old Dominion Women's Soccer Game #3

Norfolk - The Old Dominion Women's Soccer team defeated Virginia Commenwealth University on Sunday 3-0. This continued to hold their winning record for home games stable with only one goal scored at home all season (8-0-1).

More importantly is the fact that the Lady Monarchs win, along with the William & Mary loss to Christopher Newport University on the same day, has now pushed the women to the number one spot in the conference with a 6-1-1 record for the season.

Originally uploaded by mary.mcchesney

The day way cold and brisk so while the teams may have been warmed up and ready for a fast-paced game, the fans were hoping for a break from the wind and were bundled up and huddled down for the show.

At the end of the day both the Monarch fans and players left the stadium warm from the pride of winning.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Old Dominion Women's Soccer Game #2

Norfolk - The Old Dominion Women's Soccer team defeated Virginia Commenwealth University on Sunday 3-0. This continued to hold their winning record for home games stable with only one goal scored at home all season (8-0-1).

More importantly is the fact that the Lady Monarchs win, along with the William & Mary loss to Christopher Newport University on the same day, has now pushed the women to the number one spot in the conference with a 6-1-1 record for the season.

The day way cold and brisk so while the teams may have been warmed up and ready for a fast-paced game, the fans were hoping for a break from the wind and were bundled up and huddled down for the show.

At the end of the day both the Monarch fans and players left the stadium warm from the pride of winning.

Old Dominion Women's Soccer Game

Originally uploaded by mary.mcchesney

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

On The Brink of a Financial Breakdown

So I find it very interesting that in the current times of financial crisis - one that involves billions in bailouts and trillions in deficits for countries and companies far beyond my daily sphere of influence - I too am at a point of financial ruin. I mean really - what do they have to do with me?

Is this some kind of convenient merging of time lines between my life and our world economy?

Do they really go that hand in hand?

I mean if so - then wow - how naive have I been!!! I always thought that stuff was happening in some other far off land where the really really rich people lived and that as long as they worked it all out - all would be fine with me too. Heck - I figured that even if it did not work out - it would be quite awhile before it actually got to me and would only do so if something drastic happened (i.e my company went bankrupt or I got laid off or whatever - ya know - something BIG would have to happen - right?!?!).

But none of that has happened to me yet. So why am I feeling such a pinch and realizing that at any moment if one more little thing falls apart the whole house of cards will come crumbling down?!?!?

It feels like it has come on so fast - yet at the same time this mess had been glaring at me in the mirror like a killer standing behind the lead girl in a scary movie.

You know what I mean?

It's like this: I was fully aware of my status and all of the risky things that I was doing - but I figured I was smarter than the killer - and so I did nothing about it - I played the game - and pretty darn well I might add (comparably to many others right now).

So does that mean that - just like the lead girl who goes back into the house (after the power outage, and all of her friends inside die at the hands of a mass murder) because she thinks she hears something and wants to check it out - I too deserve the slashing I am about to get!??!

I want to be the one who gets out alive dammit! Don't you?!?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Welcome to Mary Mac - (not a soccer mom) on Flickr

So I have begun to create "Sets" in Flickr which i have determined is just another name for "albums." I am not sure why they just did not say that , but nonetheless, i have gotten myself about 60% comfortable with yet antother new site!

It's wild to think that only two weeks ago I had not a clue about Blogger or Flickr and now here i am adding a link on my Blogger site to my Flickr page :) wow! I'm just like so cool man.....

Ha! I am sure that for anyone a decade younger than me this whole endeavor took them two episodes of The Hills - or maybe even less! While for me it is now 8:47 pm and i sat down at my dining room table around 2pm - no joke!

Now i must admit i departed this spot quite a few times to change up laundry, unload the groceries that my husband reappeared with after a 3 hour tour at Wall-Mart on a Sunday (Brave Man), and even a brief break to help my daughter and her buddy across the street come up with a new project to stay the boredom that hits about 4pm on Sunday afternoons when all possible outdoor games have been exausted (we made a "river" to float matchbox cars down the front porch and sidewalk with some papertowel rolls, tape, staples and aluminum foil - yeah - just call me McGuiver). We also fed Hannah and her two pals Chili and referreed a few games on the Wii between the loud little things.

Eventually i got some time to focus (post bathtime and bedtime), so now here i am hooking up the blog and sharing my photo journal with you from yesterday. The photos are about the Fall Soccer Fling for my daughter, Hannah's, soccer league. You may notice that there are very little pictures of Hannah or the girls actually playing soccer and that is not an accident. The games probably take the smallest portion of time of the entire day. So i thought it would be interesting to share what goes on and around the sidelines. Hope you enjoy them :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


ok - so I really need to get up to speed on this damn blog - I always feel behind when I'm in class and then once I leave i totally have no memory of what I am suppossed to be doing.
i need to take some photos this week and record/document them. and they need to be related to my topic. fortunately im spending all day Saturday on the soccer field for the "Fall Fling Tournament" so i believe i will indeed have lots of topics and information and content to cover :)!

look for it Early next week!