Tuesday, October 14, 2008

On The Brink of a Financial Breakdown

So I find it very interesting that in the current times of financial crisis - one that involves billions in bailouts and trillions in deficits for countries and companies far beyond my daily sphere of influence - I too am at a point of financial ruin. I mean really - what do they have to do with me?

Is this some kind of convenient merging of time lines between my life and our world economy?

Do they really go that hand in hand?

I mean if so - then wow - how naive have I been!!! I always thought that stuff was happening in some other far off land where the really really rich people lived and that as long as they worked it all out - all would be fine with me too. Heck - I figured that even if it did not work out - it would be quite awhile before it actually got to me and would only do so if something drastic happened (i.e my company went bankrupt or I got laid off or whatever - ya know - something BIG would have to happen - right?!?!).

But none of that has happened to me yet. So why am I feeling such a pinch and realizing that at any moment if one more little thing falls apart the whole house of cards will come crumbling down?!?!?

It feels like it has come on so fast - yet at the same time this mess had been glaring at me in the mirror like a killer standing behind the lead girl in a scary movie.

You know what I mean?

It's like this: I was fully aware of my status and all of the risky things that I was doing - but I figured I was smarter than the killer - and so I did nothing about it - I played the game - and pretty darn well I might add (comparably to many others right now).

So does that mean that - just like the lead girl who goes back into the house (after the power outage, and all of her friends inside die at the hands of a mass murder) because she thinks she hears something and wants to check it out - I too deserve the slashing I am about to get!??!

I want to be the one who gets out alive dammit! Don't you?!?

1 comment:

1hotspec said...

Hello, I just read your comment on the finsfanatic post about politics. It was actually an e-mail I received. I can not remember who sent it though? But it was just interesting to me how extreme people will get when it comes to their beliefs. I just posted it so I could get feed back on how truthful or untruthful it was. I know people in the class are more involved than I am so I was trying to get a more unbiased view of the post. Thank you for your comments though.